As long as there have been humans on this earth, family portraiture has existed. No, cavemen didn’t exactly have a ring light and a fancy studio, but they DID have cave paintings that they used to help them remember the important things; epic hunts, brilliant discoveries, and one another. Moving a little further down the homo sapiens timeline, you have the tradition of sitting for the portrait painter, followed by early family photography mere centuries later.
Why are humans as a species, so determined to capture images of those in our unique family units? Why do we feel the need to have a small piece of their essence with us forever?
Because life is temporary, and it goes by fast.
Our children are born, they grow, they leave. Somewhere in all of that if we are lucky, beautiful memories are made. And if we are very lucky, those memories are captured by a camera. Every parent misses their babies being home once they’re out making their way in the world. Being able to see their faces in your home every day takes a little bit of the sting out of their absence. The tricky part is getting everyone in front of a camera at the same time, and once they’re there, getting everyone to have a pleasant expression at the same moment.
Family photo time isn’t exactly known for being a cherished moment. “I don’t wannnnnnaaaaaaa”, “I’m missing a game for this”, “This shirt is ITCHY!”, “*toddler screaming*”. We’ve all heard every line, and we’ve all probably uttered them once or twice as well. Family portraits seem to have such a bad rap that before you can even finish uttering the phrase, eyes are rolling, husbands are looking for somewhere else to be, and you have a family photo headache brewing.
But… what if they didn’t have to be that way? What if all you had to do was to get everyone in the same place, and everything else happened all on it’s own, as if by magic?
Picture it: you and your loved ones are enjoying a day together. Maybe you’re touring a vineyard. Maybe you’re exploring a farm, or a quaint downtown area. Maybe you’re even enjoying a tailgate before the next big game! Wherever you are, wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone was able to come along and capture a piece of the day for you to hold onto forever?
It’s possible.
Believe it or not, this is the reality that Vacanva helps to create. Vacanva is so much more than a destination photography business; it’s a complete experience. From the moment you book your consultation, to the day your images are installed in your home, you will notice that family photo headache? It never happened.
Our Connection Directors not only help you plan the perfect family photography session, they make sure that it blends in seamlessly with your perfect day together! While discussing your vacation plans, they will help you choose a location in your chosen destination that will ensure that the magic continues, even with a camera present. Not only that, they know a thing or two about working around schedules. Toddler needs a nap and a snack in order to ensure cooperation? No worries, grown ups frequently do too, we’ve found. We’ve even been known to travel with cookies, just in case. Without sacrificing the lighting needed, they will make sure that everyone’s needs are met in order to give you the best result possible.
Once your family vacation is over… then what? You had a wonderful time together, and everyone cooperated for their vacation photography session (they actually had fun!). When do you need to follow up with your Connection Director to make sure that your images aren’t a casualty of post-vacation brain fog?
Here’s the beautiful thing: you don’t have to. Your Connection Director will be contacting you no less than three weeks after your vacation photography session to talk you through your ordering session. They will even use digital scans of your walls to show you what the images you’ve selected of your loved ones will look like in your home. If that isn’t enough, the team at Vacanva goes one step further.
If you are in a qualified area, not only will your images be delivered to you, they will also be installed in the location specified during the order session! No more letting portraits gather dust in the closet, or arguing over whether or not one image is crooked; those days are long gone. All you have to do is tell your Connection Director which images you want, where you want them, and then sit back and admire the faces of your loved ones on the walls of your home.
Children growing and going is a continuous part of life. Family portraits help keep them just a little bit closer, even when they’re so far away. Are you ready to book your consultation? Learn more about how the team at Vacanva can help you plan your perfect family photography session.
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